The World's Biggest Lambretta Club by Miles.

Everything you need from purchasing to running or restoring your Lambretta is available within the LCGB. For further information on joining and enjoying the benefits, Click here for details.

In 2025 the LCGB will sponsor the charity ANDYSMANCLUB, a men’s suicide prevention charity #ITSOKAYTOTALK.
Click here for more details.
Click on the banners below for more information about LCGB Production Class and BSEC

The LCGB promotes RIDING Lambrettas. This is why... |
Video by Mike Oxley, an LCGB member who does not get any commercial gain from his videos. If you would like to see more of his scooter videos or get notifications when new ones are uploaded, visit his youtube site where you can subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtsb2-Ef0yW9h9c_ZtMtr2Q/feed or join the SCOOTERS AND RIDERS group on Facebook. |